Towns Wiki


Use this whenever documenting a status/damage effect.

| name = name of effect
| img = image file name.png/gif/etc
| atkpct = attack % augment
| defpct = defense % augment
| hppct = hitpoints % augment
| dmgpct = damage % augment
| movepct = movement % augment
| spdpct = attack speed % augment
| dot = damage over time augment
| last = effect duration augment
| effect = brief decription of effect

Battle cry
Battle cry
Attack % (not applicable)
Defense % 130
Hit Point % (not applicable)
Damage % 130
Movement % (not applicable)
Attack Speed % (not applicable)
Damage over Time (not applicable)
Duration 180
Effect Friendlies within line of sight gains a temporary buff on defence and damage.