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This page is a translated version of the page Raw Materials and the translation is 44% complete.
Symbol raw materials

Сырьё включает в себя все материалы, которые можно найти на просторах мира и использовать для создания других вещей.
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Базовые материалы включают в себя дерево, камень и землю, - самые простые материалы, которые можно найти в верхних слоях почвы и складировать.



Дерево - одно из базовых ресурсов. Оно может быть собрано как массово, командой рубить с деревьев на поверхности, так и посадкой кустов с последующим сбором, используя производственное меню.

Оно используется при создании множества предметов, например: дверей, инструментов, стен, контейнеров и пр.



Камень добывается в нижних слоях почвы. Также его можно добыть из каменных плит, а также из стен подземелий и темниц. Или же можно построить Шахту на залежах и бесконечно собирать камень, не изменяя ландшафта.

Камень используется при создании многих предметов, таких как инструменты, стены и декоративные вещи.



Грязь можно получить при добыче с блоков земли или джунглей или в нижних слоях мира.

Данный материал используется при создании стекла и грязевых стен.



Песок можно добыть с блоков песка в верхних уровнях мира.

Используется при создания стекла и песчаника.


Особые материалы, которые намного сложнее найти, чем базовые к ним не относятся руды и гели.


Snow pile

Снег добывается из снежных блоков на верхних уровнях мира.

Собирается в ведра со снегом через производственное меню.



Кремень можно найти при сборе гравия.

Используется для создания костра, и при приготовлении мяса в печи.



Используется при создании окон (Раздел материалов в производственном меню). Создается из песка и грязи.


Здесь перечислены материалы, которые можно получить из животных, такие как кости и шкура.



Кости получают из трупов животных - коров, свиней и т.п. Действие доступно через производственное меню, но вам нужно также иметь в наличии Butcher Table to be automatically harvested from Livestock.

Bone can be used to craft early weapons and armor as well as some furniture and decorations.

Animal Hide

Animal hide

Animal hides can be harvested from cows, bulls, reindeer, or does. They can be collected using the production menu under Vanity but require a Hide Skinning Table to be automatically harvested from Livestock.

Animal hides can be used to craft hats.

Badger Hide

Badger hide

Badger hides are harvested from badgers. They are available on the production menu under Vanity but require a Hide Skinning Table to be automatically harvested from badgers.

Badger hides can be used to craft badger hats.

Unifallow Hide

Unifallow hide

Unifallow hides function similarly to animal hides except they have a different texture and can only be harvested from unifallow. They can be collected using the production menu under Vanity but require a Hide Skinning Table to be automatically harvested from unifallow.

Like animal hides, unifallow hides can be used to craft hats.

Skootenbeeten Feather

Skootenbeeten feather

Skootenbeeten feathers are harvested from skootenbeeten. They are available on the production menu under Vanity but require a Hide Skinning Table to be automatically harvested from skootenbeeten.

Skootenbeeten feathers are used to craft feather hats.

Snake Teeth

Snake Teeth

Snake teeth can be found as a drop from Snakecrabs which roam around sandy areas. There are only a finite number of Snakecrabs per world making this a limited resource.

Snake teeth are used to craft Wooden Snake Swords.


Ores are found by mining ore tiles underground, such as Copper and Iron. Except for silver and gold, they can all by mined indefinitely by building a Mineshaft on top of 4 adjacent tiles, but to mine it manually you'll have to dig down and use the mine command.



Coal tiles can be found in abundance on any layer of the dungeon, or even on the surface. Even surface coal can be mined with a Mineshaft, but you'll have to dig down and mine them underground to harvest coal manually.

Coal is used to craft torches and iron weapons and armor.



Copper tiles are also found in abundance regardless of floor, although they get even more common as you dig deeper.

Copper ore is used to make ITE items.



Iron is one of the most sought after ores. While iron tiles can be found on the surface, it is much more common the deeper you mine.

It is used to make iron weapons and armor as well as some kitchen utilities, including the Kitchen Stove, and even the Forge utilities.



Silver, like gold, is found very deep in the dungeon, from silver tiles.

It is used to make one of the decorations, which increases the happiness and also to make silver armor and weapons.



Gold is found very deep in the dungeon, from gold tiles.

It is used to make decorations and also to make golden armor and weapons.


Gels are found on hostile slimes in the dungeon. They are dropped when the slimes are killed. They can be used to make gel engraved walls, gel roads, and colored hats.

Green Gel

Green gel

Green gel drops from Green slimes.

It is used to make gel engraved green walls, green gel roads, and green hats.

Red Gel

Red gel

Red gel drops from Red slimes.

Surprisingly, it is used to make gel engraved red walls, red gel roads, and red hats.

Blue Gel

Blue gel

Blue gel drops, amusingly, from Blue slimes.

Amazingly, it is used to make gel engraved blue walls, blue gel roads, and blue hats.


Heads are trophies taken from destroyed creatures of each type. They can be crafted into Monster Pole decorations.

Goblin Head

Goblin head

Goblins drop goblin heads.

They are used to make the Goblin pole decoration.

Hobgoblin Head

Hobgoblin head

The bigger cousins of the goblins, Hobgoblins drop hobgoblin heads.

They are used to make the Hobgoblin pole decoration

Snicker Head

Snicker head

Sneaky snickers drop sneaky snicker heads.

Sneaky snicker heads make even sneakier snicker pole decorations.

Ghoul Head

Ghoul head

Not to be confused with ghosts, Ghouls drop ghoul heads.

A ghastly ghoul head can be crafted into a gruesome Ghoul pole decoration.

Troll Head

Troll head

Werepigs drop Troll heads. Not really, they drop from Trolls.

They can be used to craft Troll poles.

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